On the steering committee

The role of the steering committee for the Master Plan is to advise the minister regarding nature protection and energy utilisation. According to the Master Plan Act the Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources, shall, in consultation and collaboration with the minister responsible for energy, present a proposal to the Alþingi, at a minimum every four years, for a resolution regarding the classification of power plant options. The steering committee shall adapt their work to this time limit. 

The steering committee consists of six persons and it is appointed by the Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources following nominations by the Ministry of Industry and Innovation (two representatives), Prime Minister's Office (one representative), Association of Local Authorities in Iceland (one representative) and without nomination (two representatives, including the chairman). The steering committee is appointed for a term of four years at a time.

According to the Master Plan Act the steering committee is responsible for making sure that "… the utilisation of geographical areas where there are power plant options is based on long-term views and on a comprehensive assessment of interests … having sustainable development as a guide" The steering committee has two tools at its disposal in order to perform its duty.

  1. The steering committee receives advice from the expert committees that consist of specialists in various fields. The steering committee decides on the number and the subjects for the expert committees and selects the representatives for these committees. The expert committees render all the advice needed to the steering committee so that it can prepare the proposals for the minister concerning the protection and utilisation of areas with energy resources as the act stipulates.
  2. The steering committee seeks consultation with interested parties, public agencies, the public and non-governmental organisations during various phases of the work on the Master Plan just as prescribed in the Act.