On expert committees

Expert committees consist of specialists in various fields of science and in different fields of utilisation of natural resources. The third phase of the Master Plan has four expert committees. Expert committee 1 discusses natural and cultural historical relics, expert committee 2 is concerned with the utilisation of natural resources other than the exploitation of energy resources, expert committee 3 studies the social impact and public health of power plant options, and expert committee 4 studies the economic aspects of power development. 

The major part of the technical work that is performed in connection with the Master Plan is conducted within the expert committees or on account of their efforts. The expert committees gather data, each committee within its own field of expertise concerning the geographical areas that are under discussion by the steering committee.  In many instances there is a lack of data regarding the subjects, e.g. natural conditions, antiquities, grazing utilisation and tourism, which the expert committees will assess. In such instances the expert committees will have a study made regarding the relevant factors.

Frequently such studies will be time-consuming, e.g. when data has to be collected over a one year period or more. Research studies that are initiated at the request of these expert committees are financed through the direct allocation of funds by the government to the Master Plan and are either performed by the respective government agencies or by private parties.